Six Sleep Tips Anyone Can Learn from Islamic Tradition

Sleep is a crucial aspect of our lives. It impacts our daily life by affecting our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. In addition to damaging our cognitive abilities, sleep deprivation can make a person unable to focus or forgetful. 

Quality sleep can improve our performance and productivity. Whether it’s daily tasks, work, or academic activities: a good sleep can boost a person’s creativity and problem-solving abilities. We can understand the role of quality sleep in our lives well.

And while sleep is good for the worldly life, it is equally critical for the religious aspect of life. It helps us focus on prayers and helps us maintain a good relationship with God. In this blog post, we will explore some sleep tips from an Islamic perspective that we all can benefit from. 

Tips for Good Sleep in Islam

Sleep is an essential part of our lives. And it is considered as a blessing and gift from God. Quran and Hadith promote the benefits of sleep, and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) promotes mid-day naps as a beneficial practice.

Islamic teaching provided insight into the tips and tricks to a good night’s sleep. And today, we will bring all those tips together.

Establishing a Consistent Sleep Routine

“Early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy and wise” We all are familiar with this saying, and Islam focuses on it, too. Islam emphasizes establishing a consistent sleep routine.

As narrated by Abu Barza: 

“Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) disliked to sleep before the `Isha’ prayer and to talk after it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 568).

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) dislikes talking after the Isha prayer (unless necessary or something important) because it leads to people staying up late at night. And there is also the fear that the Muslims would be unable to wake up for Fajr (an hour before sunrise).

Islam suggests going to bed early and trying to align their sleeping routines with the light and darkness pattern of the world. It encourages us to follow the natural rhythms of day and night.

It is also beneficial as it ensures a balanced sleep routine, regulates our biological clock, and maintains a healthy lifestyle. 

Performing Wudu (Ablution) Before Bed

Ablution or Wudu is the ritual obligation before prayers in Islam. It holds considerable standing in a Muslim’s daily life, including their nighttime. Wudu is said to have a calming effect on the person’s mind and body. Thus, it helps you get quality sleep and a refreshing morning. 

Ablution can relax your muscles and cleanses you so you can enter your resting phase; with comfort. From a religious perspective, the benefits of sleeping with ablution are great: you will no longer want to sleep without it. 

So, if you want an anxious-less sleep, you know what to do. Wudu will reduce your stress as you go into a deep slumber.

Reciting Supplications (Dua) for Sleep

It is an Islamic tradition that we remember Allah through prayers and supplication. We offer this supplication to seek the blessings of Allah and strengthen our faith. And each occasion has its specific supplication to offer.

Similarly, we have dua for sleeping. It evokes a sense of peace and safety. And while these feelings can help you get a night of good sleep, you can also earn rewards for seeking Allah’s blessings. 

So, while getting ready for bed, don’t forget the supplication to reduce your stress and anxiety and aid an excellent sleeping habit.

Sleeping in a Clean and Peaceful Environment

Maintaining a peaceful and calming environment can help you sleep; as soon as you hit the bed. Science also supports this idea and discourages bright lights as they can affect your sleep quality.

Islam emphasizes keeping the room clean and clutter-free. And its traditions advise dusting the bed before sleeping on it. To add more to a serene atmosphere, we turn the lights off. 

As narrated by Jabir: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, 

“Extinguish the lamps when you go to bed; close your doors…” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5624)

The above Hadith also highlights the importance of creating an atmosphere that helps your body and mind to unwind and rest. Islam also encourages you to sleep on a comfortable mattress as it affects your sleep and overall health and productivity. 

Moderation in Food and Drink Before Sleep

“Eat from the good things We have provided for you, but do not transgress in them, or My wrath will befall you. And whoever My wrath befalls is certainly doomed.” (20:81)

Islam encourages a balanced life (that also includes a balanced diet), and so does science. Eating heavy meals and taking caffeine or other stimulants can disrupt your sleeping routine. 

Some people are sensitive to caffeine, which means even slight caffeine (dark chocolates) can make their nights hellish. Therefore, the right recipe for perfect sleep is a light dinner, 2-3 hours before bedtime.  

Avoid stimulants or heavy meals. Consumption of light and nourishing meals can help digestion, eliminating chances of heartburn or abdominal discomfort. Following a simple diet plan and avoiding gas-forming food can benefit your physical and mental well-being

Sleeping Position

Islam also encourages some sleeping positions while discouraging few. It urges us to sleep on our right side.

As narrated by Al-Bara ‘bin `Azib: 

“The Prophet (ﷺ) said to me, “Whenever you go to bed, perform ablution like that for the prayer, lie or your right side…” (Sahih al-Bukhari 247)

Since Islam looks after the followers and has regulations that can benefit the Muslims, we also have a reason why one should sleep on their right side. It has physiological benefits: aiding digestion, regulating heart rate, and the nervous system relaxes when a person lies on their right side. 

Apart from the physical benefits, sleeping on our right side is considered a symbol of goodness. Aligning oneself to the teachings and acts of The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is regarded as an act of righteousness.

Nonetheless, it is not a mandatory sleeping position but rather beneficial. Therefore, it ultimately depends on personal preferences and comfort. 


Sleep is not just a state of rest but a way to recharge yourself to have an active day. And for an energized physical, mental, and emotional self: high-quality sleep is most critical. 

Sleep plays a crucial role in the quality of life. We ought to prioritize sufficient quality sleep for a healthy lifestyle. And Islamic teachings are a way to ensure that we get it. 

After including these six tips in your sleeping ritual and seeking Allah’s blessing, we can enhance our sleeping habits. We need to pay attention to our sleep habit and optimize it to get the overall benefits of a good night’s sleep.

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